As you know, we visited my parents about 2 1/2 weeks ago for Jason's 4-day weekend. It was a nice relaxing time, and, of course, we didn't want to leave. =) We sat around and played games a lot. This picture was not intentional, but right as I picked up my camera to take a picture, Richard brought a handful of M&M's to his mouth...Busted!! Love you, Richard! =)
The kids even enjoyed playing games together...
The kids always enjoy seeing their cousins and look forward to pestering their "Uncle Retardo." Okay, I must explain...My brother-in-law's name is Richard, and as a joke we started calling him "Ricardo." At the time, Sydney was struggling with saying any "c" or "k" sounds and would pronounce them as a "t." As a result, when she said "Uncle Ricardo," it came out as "Uncle Retardo." Well, Richard loved that! He's a good sport, you know. Here are some shots of the kids with Richard. He was growing some facial hair, so Larissa was rubbing on his chin in the last picture.
My camera has a night vision setting, and Richard wanted to see how it worked. We turned off the lights, and here is his best "Deer in the Headlights" pose.
The girls (and Jason) love to go swimming in the cousins' pool. Sydney is a little timid when it comes to the water, so she sticks to the steps or occasionally floats on a raft. She also enjoyed "shooting" everyone with the water gun from the outside of the pool. Everyone enjoyed throwing (or pegging, if you're Jason) the balls and having a water gun war. The girls also enjoyed piggy-back rides on Jason.
My niece, Sarah, cracked me up when she came up out of the water one time and started quoting (in her most noble voice), "Fourscore and seven years ago..."
And what would a day in the pool be without a good cannonball? This one was thanks to my nephew, Tavish. He was trying to peg his twin sister, Sarah, who is on the right side of the picture.
Here's the whole group. Aren't they cute? =) They all had lots of fun.
The day was quite overcast, so after a couple of hours in the pool, Larissa and Sydney were so cold that their lips began to turn bluish purple. Poor things!
We also had fun in Granny's yard. The girls love to pick flowers (usually of the weed variety) and collect pine cones, and Jason (of course) had to try to peg the girls with the pine cones. He's so nice! (Still a boy at heart!) =)
I had to snap some more pictures of some flowers and critters that I didn't get the last time we were there. Mom has some very interesting things growing in her yard. The most interesting of all, though, has to be the starfish flower. Notice on the picture with the bird that there is also a dragonfly on the top of the branch. Enjoy!
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