We also ordered some Lundberg Honey Dijon rice chips, and they came in yesterday. There are 12 in a case! Yummy! Look at all of these...
Yesterday, Jason ordered some Lundberg Wasabi rice chips, Yummy Earth assorted flavors organic candy drops and Yummy Earth wild peppermint candy drops.
We love the rice chips! The wasabi-flavored chips have a kick to them that is really good. Some of our other favorites are Santa Fe BBQ and Pico de Gallo (These two are not available to order on Amazon yet). These 4 are the only ones that don't have dairy in them, so they're the only ones we have tried. Since we are going to have so many of them, we are willing to share with anyone who would like to try some. The Honey Dijon chips are about $2.36 per bag, and the Wasabi chips are about $2.18 per bag (at Whole Foods, they are $2.69 per bag), so just let me know if you would like either of the ones we have ordered.
The candies are sweetened with evaporated cane juice and natural fruit flavors. We've purchased the fruit-flavored candies from Whole Foods before, and we really like them. There are also lollipops available in the same flavors in case you want them for little ones. =) We have not tried the peppermints before, but I figure they can't be that bad if they're anything like the fruit candies. I'll let you know how we like them after we try them. The package of fruit candies that we ordered has 4-16oz. bags and costs $20. Each bag costs $5 and has approximately 145 pieces of candy making each piece approximately $0.03! Not bad, huh? (If you are interested in sampling some of the candy or even purchasing a bag, let me know.)
No, we are not addicted to candy. =) I just like to have an alternative treat for the kids. They are learning (along with us) that sugar is bad, and they are learning to say "No, thank you" at church when they are offered candy or other sweets. Since they have my genes, I figure they are going to be susceptible to the same health problems I have. If I can eliminate these "cravings" for the wrong kinds of food now while they are young and give them enjoyable alternatives, then maybe they won't feel the need to try bad foods and will be spared a lot of the health issues that I've had to deal with.
By the way, we are still checking into the co-op/buying club. About 5 years ago, we used to order (through a group at our previous church) from a certain company, but after several days of trying to get some information on that company, I discovered they went bankrupt a couple of years ago. That's not good! =} I have found another company, but as far as I can tell, they are not accepting new buying clubs, so we would need to join an existing club in the area. We are trying to get in contact with one of them to get some additional information. I'll keep you posted.
Thanks for all the ideas. I gave the children very little sugar and dairy before my last bit in the hospital with Rush. (I got the info from Hallelujah Acres). While I was out of commision I was sabotaged! Daniel was just going for survival and the healthy stuff went by the wayside. Even since, I'm just so busy with life and homeschooling etc etc that I never even think about it, but the little changes over time will add up! I'm sure we eat very healthy compared to most families, but we could do better. Keep the recipes coming!
Yeah, we actually did the Hallelujah diet about 4 or 5 years ago. It was a bit extreme, and Jason hated going meat free. =) I do, however, believe that if I did have a serious illness that necessitated going on a raw diet, the Hallelujah diet would be the one to do. I'm glad you're interested in the recipes...I look forward to sharing them. =)
I went ahead and ordered the pops and candies- it will be good for us and on Wed nites! I'd like to try the chips before buying twelve bags, if you can spare one I'll buy it.
We didn't follow H.A. to the tee - I used what I could get past Daniel - a dyed in the wool no- health-food nut. Alot was only tried by the children and I.
Yeah, we can definitely spare a bag or two. =) We have 12 bags each of the Wasabi and Honey Dijon chips. Let me know what kind and how many you want, and I'll bring it to church Wednesday night.
Our candy is supposed to be delivered tomorrow. I can't wait to try the peppermints. I really miss having mints and gum especially at church. Everything either has sugar or some kind of artificial sweetener.
Jason used to have the same aversion to health food, but he has really changed recently. He's eating things that he probably never thought he would, and he's very willing to try new things. I'm sure my health issues have a lot to do with it, but I'm just very thankful!
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