Friday, July 25, 2008

Lizards and earwigs and spiders, OH MY!!!

I am extremely fortunate to have a very brave little girl (named Larissa) living in my house. She loves catching all kinds of "critters"--indoors and outdoors. All the rain that we have been getting lately has been "forcing" many more critters inside than I care to see. The lizards sit at the front door, waiting until we decide to open it, and they sneak in only to show up somewhere else in the house a little later in the day. Usually, I just have Larissa catch them and toss them back outside, but last week, we had one that was living between the door and the door frame and just kept sneaking inside. I ended up having to trap it under a container and have Jason toss it out back in hopes that it wouldn't be able to find its way back. =)

Here are some pictures of the lizard that Larissa caught outside the other day. She told me that the lizard tried to bite her but it didn't hurt. =)

Look at how the lizard kept looking at her. She wasn't concerned one bit that it kept "snapping" at her, but Sydney sure looks worried. =)

Disclaimer: No "critters" were harmed during the production of these photographs; however, I do believe they were very relieved when they were finally set free. =)

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