We sat in the Wal-mart gas station for a couple of hours, and when the tow truck showed up, the girls and I walked around Wal-mart (i.e. checked out the toy section) while we waited for Jason to get his truck from the house so he could come get us. By the time we got home, it was so late, and the girls were starving. So, we were unable to go to my parents' house until Sunday morning.
We were really blessed, though, because since this happened in the late afternoon, it was not miserably hot. We were able to sit in the car with all the doors opened, and a cool breeze drifted through the car to keep us comfortable. The girls were outstanding! They did not whine or complain one bit! They make us so proud! =) Of course, the next morning when we told the girls that we had to stop at Wal-mart to get gas in Daddy's truck, Larissa playfully rolled her eyes and with a smile said, "Oh brother!"
Other than the truck problems and the delayed departure, we had a really good time at my parents' house. My sister and her family live near my parents, so they all joined us for meals and games. Jason and I decided to prepare all the main meals for the weekend, so my mom could have a break, and so we could start introducing a more whole foods way of eating to my family. Everything was very well received...even by the kids and teenagers (and my picky brother-in-law, Richard! =) Just kidding Richard!). I'll be sharing some of our favorite recipes soon for those of you who are interested. =)
This morning, Jason contacted Car Max about my truck, and they arranged for a tow truck to come get the truck (no charge) and take it to Car Max (where we get any work that's under warranty done for no more than $50! Hence another reason why I love Car Max so much.). We are waiting to hear from them as to how long it will take to fix, but they have told us that they will supply us with a rental vehicle if it's going to take too long. Here's a picture of my poor "little" truck being towed. It makes me sad to see it. =(
Okay, I'm over it. =)

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