Friday, March 21, 2008

Memory Crutches

If any of you are like me, you relied greatly upon those wonderful memory crutches all through school. You remember them.... When we learned the planets, we were taught the sentence, "My Very Eager Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas." When we learned treble clef notes in music, we were taught that the spaces spell, "FACE," and for the lines we learned the sentence, "Every Good Boy Does Fine."

Those crutches (and many others) served me well all the way through college, and now that I'm homeschooling my girls, I find myself teaching them some ways to remember certain facts. For the past two days, both Alyx and Larissa have struggled with the words "were" and "where." They weren't sure which one was said or spelled which way. To help them out, I told them to think about what kind of words they are. "Where" is a question, just like "who," "what," "when" and "why." They all begin with "wh." Incidentally, that led into a discussion on using those questions when you are either reading, studying or writing to better understand all the surrounding details.

If you can think of other memory crutches that you remember from school, leave a comment and share it with us.

The picture I included is of Alyx reading the story she wrote today which included the word "where." =)

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