All that said, to say...We make our own lemonade! It is so good and easy to make, and we really look forward to having it as an occasional special drink. Here's the recipe:
For 1 gallon:
Mix 2 cups of lemon juice (we get organic) and 2 cups of agave nectar with enough water to fill a gallon pitcher.
That's it! So simple! Now that you know, promise me you won't buy those drinks that are filled with high fructose corn syrup or even artificial sweeteners. They're really bad for you!
I hope you enjoy! =)
P.S. It just dawned on me today that I didn't provide a pronunciation guide for the word "Agave." When we first discovered agave, I looked at the word and immediately compared it to the word "agape" (the Greek word used in the Bible for unconditional, self-sacrificing love), so we were pronouncing it "uh-GAH-vay." I looked it up and found that it's actually pronounced, "uh-GAH-vee."
I have a weird obsession with words, especially with the pronunciation, spelling and usage of those words. It's one of my biggest pet peeves! =) I'm sure that stems from my childhood when my dad used to try to teach us really big words and some uses of them. There was a "funny" phrase that he used to say a lot when my sister and I would get a little too giddy, and I've never forgotten it. He would say, "Your ludicrousness is ostentatiously superfluous!" In a nutshell, that phrase means, "Your silliness is obviously excessive." =)
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