Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It's okay to be dependent...

Those of you who know me well, know that I am not an independent person. I greatly rely on other people, especially Jason, to help me get through each day. All my life, I've always felt that this was some sort of "disability" and have wished many times that I could be more of an extrovert. Don't get me wrong. I love who I am and am very thankful for the life that God has given me, but I always felt like I needed to "work" on this personality flaw. This morning, as I was reading in Ecclesiastes 4, I came across a couple of verses that made me stop and think.

Eccl. 4:9-10:
Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.

For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.

Wow! So many thoughts ran through my mind when I read this passage, but I think the thing that struck me strongest was that in actuality it's the independent spirit that needs to work on becoming more dependent. Who hasn't at some point in time needed someone to be there for them? I know I have many times, and I am very blessed to have an awesome group of family and friends to support me. If we all need the support but no one is willing to do the "supporting," then who will help?

For the first time in my life, I actually view my dependence as a blessing not a curse. Working with other people not only makes the job easier, but it also allows you to be a blessing to the other person by helping and supporting them.

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