Wednesday, June 10, 2009

He's here!

This is LONG overdue, but I'm just now getting a little bit of time to do things like this. Our little boy, Nathaniel Bryant, was born May 26 at 12:26pm. He weighed 9 lbs. 6 oz. and was 20 inches long. Check out his "feeding tube"...he ate well, huh?

He has a great set of lungs.

Daddy is so proud of his little boy!

Mommy is in love with her little "Bubba Bear" =)

Granny (my mom) got to hold Nathaniel shortly after he was born.

Then it was time for the "Big Sisters" to hold their little "Bubba." We decided ahead of time (on the advice of my mom) who was going to get to hold the baby first, second and third. That way there would (hopefully) not be any fighting. =) One of our favorite ways to fairly choose who gets to "go first" at just about anything, is to choose a number. Jason or I will decide on a number in our heads, and then the girls will choose their numbers. Whoever is closest gets to go first. It's easy, and they don't seem to have a problem with it. =)

As it turns out, Alyx was chosen to hold Nathaniel first. Look at how she beams!

Sydney was chosen to hold him second. He's almost as big as she is. =) She loves giving him kisses!

Larissa was chosen to hold him third. She said she didn't mind being last, because she figured she would get to hold him longer since no one would be waiting for her to finish. =)

Snuggle time with Mommy...

And Daddy...

The "Little Mummy" =)

Nathaniel's "Going Home" Outfit

Snug as a bug in Granny's arms...

He loves to snuggle with Daddy....

We all loved having my mom here with us for almost two weeks while we adjusted to having a baby in the house again. Nathaniel really loved cuddling with her and really misses her! =( We love you, Mom!

We have already begun teaching him how to play cards. We're big gamesters, so he's gotta learn to fit in. =)

This was the day that Mom left. We were very sad. Look how shaken up Nathaniel was in the 2nd picture. =) (Oh, and Julie, note the laundry on the couch. Yes, I'm normal, too. LOL!)

I love the peaceful, sleeping baby pictures. They always look so cuddly and squishy. =)

Yesterday was his 2-week check-up, and he is already 10 lbs. 5 oz. and 21 1/2 inches long. He's growing fast!

Sorry for the overabundance of pictures. If you only knew how much I had to constrain myself. Erica, I know you understand. =) It's been only 2 weeks (and 1 day) and I've taken quite a few pictures. He's just so cute, and I don't want to miss anything. I hope you enjoyed them!


Julie said...

I am so glad you posted these. I barely see him at church. He's poplular. Oh, and thank you for sharing about the laundry. I feel so much better. Congrats again. He is perfect.

James, Erica, Eliana and Landon said...

I understand COMPLETELY and it doesn't seem to wear off! We are enjoying the pictures of Nathaniel and Eliana has been hinting at holding him one of these days! You know how she is about babies!

Lindsay said...

DON'T WORRY about over-doing it with pictures - we want to see them all!!!!

He is soo sweet - we can't wait to meet him!