Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Dad's 20th Anniversary Weekend

This past weekend we were able to celebrate with my parents and their church in honoring Dad for 20 years of faithful service as pastor. For anyone who has been a pastor or pastor's wife/child, you know that this is not an easy accomplishment. My parents have been through some rough, discouraging times, but through it all they remained faithful to the Lord. I know that we should not look to man for a role model, but I truly do respect my parents and look to them as an example of how I should strive to live my Christian life.

Thank you, Mom and Dad, for loving the Lord and for making Him your number one priority. Thank you for loving all of us kids enough to bring us up in the right kind of home and to take us to church every time the doors were open. Thank you for the sacrifices you had to make over the years to ensure that we had a good, Christian foundation in our education...both school and college. Thank you for the example that you are now giving to my kids when they see you faithfully serving the Lord in your church. You both have touched so many lives over the years, and I'm sure if they could, they would all stand up and testify to that. We love you both very much!

Here are some pictures from Sunday's "Dinner on the Grounds" we had in honor of Dad's anniversary. (Note: the pictures and titles go by a little too fast for my taste, but I couldn't figure out a way to slow it down. If you want to see them slower, just click on one of the pictures and you will be taken to the album on Photobucket's website. You will then be able to peruse at your own leisure.)

These are some pictures of the grandkids having fun at Granny and Papa's house.

Update: My follow-up appointment is this afternoon at 4:40. Please continue to pray that all will be well. The Lord has given me an amazing peace about the whole situation for which I am very thankful. "Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." --Matthew 6:34

"Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength." --C.H. Spurgeon

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