Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Quick Update

After Monday's procedure, the doctor gave three possible diagnoses. She will have to run further tests on samples she took during the procedure to be able to say for sure. Praise the Lord it is not cancer! Out of the three possibilities, I would prefer one, because it is treatable. The other two are considered chronic, so that means more medications and lifestyle changes.

Please continue to pray. The results should be ready within the next week, and I should be getting a phone call any day now from the doctor's office to schedule an appointment so I can see the doctor again and get the results.

My flesh wants the easy fix, but I know that may not be God's will. God has a plan and purpose for everything that comes into our lives, and sometimes that means we may have to endure pain or suffering in order to bring God the ultimate glory. In the scheme of things, how can we complain, when you consider what He went through for us and our sin?

One of my dear friends sent an encouraging note this week. She reminded me that God is the Great Physician, and He can heal all my diseases (Ps. 103:1-5). When I am feeling overwhelmed, I have my loving, Heavenly Father to cry to (Ps. 61:2). Thank you for thinking of me and most of all for your faithful prayers. I am looking forward to getting things back to normal and actually returning to "The Land of the Living." =)

After Jason gets off of work today, we will be leaving to go up to my parents' house. I haven't seen my girls in 4 days, and I thorougly miss them! There are days when they are here that I wish for some peace and quiet, but when I actually get it, all I can do is think about how much I want them with me. I guess the old saying is true..."Absence makes the heart grow fonder."

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