All that said, to say, my life for the last two weeks has been wrapped up with Jason, school, sick kids, organization issues, cooking/baking, various activities, and a couple of things that I'm not at liberty to discuss (but you can pray with us for these "unspokens").
I realize that the last few posts have been about food, but we are really into cooking and experimenting with recipes and want to share those recipes with all of you. However, I feel the need to post about us...well, mainly about the kids. =) This is going to be a random synopsis of the last two weeks. Enjoy!
Two weeks ago today, Alyx and Larissa attended a birthday party for one of their friends. It was a horse-themed party, and they got to take a wagon ride to some nearby stables to ride horses...Every little girl's dream come true! They had a blast, of course! Here are some pictures from the party...
This is poor little Sydney taking a nap on the couch. She was one of the unfortunates that caught the bug.
A week ago today, we went bowling with our Sunday School class. We asked the girls before we left if they had ever been bowling before. (We couldn't remember.) Alyx said, "No....well, we've bowled on the Wii..." =) Of course, we laughed! They played on a Wii at the house of some friends of ours about a year ago. How sad! My kids are so deprived! =) They did much better than I expected, though. Some of them actually beat my score, but they did have the bumpers. =)
When we got home from bowling, we decided to finish up a craft that we had started the day before. (We had to wait for glue to dry.) During the week, Alyx had come up with an idea for a craft. She had read in a Highlights magazine about how to make a guitar from a paper towel tube and a cracker box. She couldn't find the magazine with the instructions, but she remembered enough of it that I felt pretty sure we could just fake it. =) We didn't have any cracker boxes, but I figured paper plates would work just as well. With a hole cut out of the center of one plate and 3 rubber bands strung across the opening (giving 6 strings total), they were able to strum little "tunes" with the "picks" that they made from the scraps that were cut away from the paper plate. (The "pick" was their idea. Aren't they creative?)
It's almost impossible to get a "group picture" with everyone looking "normal." Someone is bound to blink, look down/up/left/right, or do a little jig just for fun. =) I don't know how Jon and Kate do it!
The girls enjoyed it, and that's all that matters...
On another "crafty" note, Alyx started her "Science Notebook" this past week. She is learning a lot of interesting facts about animals, and she will be creating a "scrapbook-type" page of each animal to compile a notebook when she's done. I gave her several options for the picture that was to be included on the page. She could cut out the pictures provided in one of her books, we could print a page from the internet (either in color or for her to color), or she could draw and color the picture herself. She thought about it and decided that she wanted to draw them so that she could (in her words) "work on her drawing skills." Isn't that cute? I'm so glad that she didn't choose the "easy route." Here's her first page. I think she did a great job!
Yesterday, while we were doing some school work, Alyx informed me that her doll was going to help her. I looked over at her questioningly, and she explained that the way her doll's hands were positioned, she could hold her ruler and "clicky" eraser. How funny is that?
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