***Did you know that all it takes is 1 tablespoon of dairy to have you congested for 6-8 weeks?!?***
Because of this incident, I will be trying to make my own turkey sausage in the next week. I have found a recipe and can't wait to try it! =)
2. We locked ourselves out of our house! One day this week, we had to run to the store for something. When we got home, we pulled into the garage, unloaded our stuff and headed for the door to the house. (Let me preface the next statement with this: Maybe I shouldn't announce this on the internet, but we don't lock the door inside our garage. I guess we figure the garage door is security enough, and it's a pain to have to fish out keys when your arms are full of stuff.) When I tried the door and found it to be locked, I immediately filled with "fear."
See, when we moved into this house, we were given 4 (yes, FOUR) keys of which we soon discovered only ONE actually worked. Since I'm at home most of the time, Jason figured he didn't need the key that worked, so he gave it to me. Our system worked...we just used our garage door openers as our "keys" to the house. Here's where our system failed...we had children! =) One of the kids either decided to lock or accidentally locked the door on their way out. I knew that Jason wouldn't have a working key, and I had hurriedly changed purses that morning and had not moved my keys over since Jason was going to be driving. Jason immediately started working to get the door open, and after about 10 or 15 minutes, the door was opened! Praise the Lord!
3. While we were out shopping that same day, we found a world map in the discounted area of Target for only $0.50!! How cool is that? Check it out...
This will be very helpful this year, since Alyx is starting Geography! =)
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