Right now, I feel like I'm perched at the top of that "drop-off." This week begins the craziness of the holidays that will not end until after my oldest daughter's birthday at the beginning of January. My birthday is this Saturday, and, yes, I'm finally turning 20. What?? I can't pass for 20? Oh well... Birthdays are not as fun as they used to be, you know? Why does that number have to keep getting higher and higher? I don't feel my age. In fact, sometimes I still feel like I'm in high school or college. Not that I'm wishing to be back there, mind you. I love my life the way it is right now, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Here is a picture from the surprise party my husband and dear friends cooked up last year. I couldn't believe they were able to surprise me! Notice all the toys and books my kids and Jason were carrying. I thought we were just going over for the afternoon to have a cookout and play games, so I wanted the kids to have stuff to play with. How funny! I think the kids were just as surprised as I was, especially when we saw my parents, my sister and brother-in-law and their 4 kids. They all kept the secret very well.
We will be heading out of town tomorrow afternoon to go visit my parents for the weekend. Family is the best therapy when you're feeling depressed about getting older. =) All I have to do is look at my brother-in-law, Richard, and I think, "Wow, I'm not so bad after all!" LOL!!! =D Just kidding, Richard!!! I love you!!! Please don't butcher my hair!!!
What do you have planned for the weekend? I hope you all have a great time, whether you're with friends and family or your just cleaning out the garage. =) See you when we get back!
Happy Birthday Sis. It seems like only just a short time ago you were born. So, no, you are not getting older(because if you were, I would be as well-and we can't have that). Have fun with family. Sure wish I could be there. Love ya, Tami
No doubt, I am behind on shopping already! I'd like to live in a bunker btwn Thnx and Christmas and not go near any store! I start shopping in odd places b/c they look empty - like getting milk at a convenience store!! At least if I'm done shopping, we can enjoy the season - my favorite!!
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