3 bottles of Tide Laundry Detergent
2 bottles of Suavitel Fabric Softener
2 bottles of Palmolive Dish Detergent
4 boxes of Tums Quick Paks (These will be donated)
1 bottle of Johnson's Softwash
1 bottle of Johnson's Softlotion
1 bottle of VO5 Conditioner
1 bottle of TRESemme Mousse
6 Adidas Deodorants
2 Crest Toothpastes
1 Airwick Scented Oil Warmer with "Nite Light"
2 Airwick Scented Oil Refills
2 Orapik Travelers
Jason and I purchased 28 items in 7 transactions.
$128.42 in Actual Retail Value
$113.31 in Sale Retail Value
-$21.00 in CVS Coupons
-$27.72 in Manufacturer's Coupons
-$58.31 used in Extra Care Bucks
=$7.62 spent out of pocket (Average of $1.09 per transaction!!)
I earned $66.28 ECB's in these transactions, and I'm left with $64.49 ECB's to spend next time.
$7.62 (Spent OOP) minus $64.49 ECB's (earned and not yet spent) means that I earned $56.87 to bring all this stuff home! Sweet!! =)
Thank you, Sandra, for sharing some awesome coupons with me! You're the best!
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