Monday, May 19, 2008

Free Samples!

Check out all the free stuff I got in the mail during the last week. ***Side Note: The Huggies products are not to be misconstrued as an announcement. =) I just got them because they were free, and I figured I could either donate them to the church nursery or give them to someone who could use them.***

Free Samples

Dove Go Fresh Deodorant
Sensodyne Toothpaste
Aquafresh Extreme Clean Toothpaste
Aquafresh Advanced Whitening Toothpaste
Tide with Dawn Stain Scrubbers Laundry Detergent
Huggies Supreme Diaper
Huggies Wash and Lotion
Kashi Mountain Medley Granola
Loreal Skin Genesis Serum and Lotion
John Frieda Frizz-Ease "Curl Around" Shampoo/Conditioner and Hair Serum
Vaseline Lotion (came with a $2.00 coupon)
Gold Bond Ultimate Restoring Lotion (came with a $1.00 coupon)
2 packets of Sun Crystals Natural Sweetener (came with a $1.50 coupon)
3 bags of Yogi Tea-Berry Anti-oxidant, Meditative Time and Mexican Sweet Chili (came with a $0.50 coupon)

1 comment:

The Two of Us said...

You are definitely ahead of me on this one. :) I've only gotten a few of those products this week. Good job!