Saturday, June 14, 2008

Organizing Your Coupons

I love organization!!! That feeling goes hand-in-hand with my OCD. =)

This is a picture of an organizer that I bought a couple of months ago. It's one of those accordion-style, folder organizers. It worked for a while, but when I started getting more and more coupons, it became very difficult to see what I actually had. While I was CVS shopping with my friend, Sandra, I noticed she had a 3-ring binder with plastic sheets for her coupons. She explained to me that it was just plastic baseball card protector sheets. Cool! The thought had never crossed my mind, but it looked so neat and organized. Later that week, I asked Jason if he had any empty baseball card protector sheets that I could have, and he brought me a big stack of them.
I also had an extra 3-ring binder at home that I was able to use. Yay! Organization AND it's FREE!! =)

We all set to work clipping and organizing all my coupons so that I could fill my new binder. Alyx really loves to help me...she's getting really good at it, too. She even helps me by doing transactions at CVS...she's really cute! (FYI: In the pictures below, you'll notice Alyx is wearing a cute, red hat. She got that at Target for $1.00! That same day, she found a pair of flip-flops, a 3 pack of fingernail polish and a bottle of lotion that were each marked down to $0.25 (yes, 25 cents)!! She's going to be a bargain shopper yet.) Jason is a big help, too! He refuses to use scissors for coupon clipping, though. Instead, he uses my cutting board...hey, whatever works and gets him to help me. =)

I made each sheet to have a "category." Sometimes, I had to break a category into two pages (ie. One page for "men's" deodorant and one page for "women's" deodorant.) After the pages were filled, I grouped them together according to "families." (ie. Toiletries, Cosmetics, Paper products, Cleaners...etc.)

Check it out! It makes me so happy to see all of my coupons so organized!

1 comment:

The Two of Us said...

You are so cool. Isn't the binder awesome? You are so much more prepared if you find a clearance you didn't expect or are out with a friend who is buying something you don't need. :)

Yay! Good job with getting your husband and kids to help too. Mike is awesome like that as well. He spent a whole weekend cutting coupons for me a couple weeks ago. :)