Thursday, June 5, 2008

Riboflavin and the "benefits" thereof

You thought I was going to give you some kind of lecture on the health benefits of riboflavin, didn't you? Well, I hope I don't disappoint you. The benefits I'm speaking of are more educational than nutritional. =)

Sydney has been going around the house singing a song about "Riboflavin." That girl can make up a song about anything! I don't know how your kids are or even how you were as a child, but my girls LOVE to read the nutritional information on their cereal (and even oatmeal) boxes. My sister and I used to do that when we were kids, too. It's a comparison thing. They like to see how much "stuff" their cereal has compared to their sister's cereal.

The thing that I really love is that by doing this they are helping Sydney with her reading skills. I have noticed just within the last week that she is able to read/"sound out" much larger words than I would have figured she could at this point. She's already reading out of a 1st grade reader, and she hasn't even started 1st grade yet! Yay! I'm so glad that I have another self-motivator! That just makes my life that much easier. =)

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I'm jealous. I have one that's self motivated, but one that isn't. It's not a fun place to be. =)