After Jason left for work, I set the girls up with 3 baskets of laundry to fold, and I went to get my shower. When I finished getting ready, I came out of my room and the girls were all standing around just outside my door. Immediately I could tell something had happened. Larissa was looking at me kind of funny, and she had her lips closed tightly together. I kept saying, "What? What?" Larissa just kept smiling bigger and bigger with her lips still closed. It finally hit me, and I asked, "Did you pull your tooth?"
There it was...she finally opened her mouth and exposed the gaping hole! That girl has the highest tolerance of pain I have ever found in a child. She actually let me pull one of her teeth one time when it was hardly loose, and she never shed a tear or even flinched! That will serve her well in the future! =)
Look how cute she is...

She was very thrilled to find that the "Tooth Fairy" had visited last night.
What kind of traditions do you have concerning the Tooth Fairy? I have crocheted a Tooth Fairy Angel pillow for both Alyx and Larissa - Sydney hasn't needed one yet but will soon, I'm sure. (FYI: I get a lot of free patterns at Crochet Pattern Central and there are other choices for Tooth Fairy pillows on the "pillow" pattern page.) They each get to choose the color/style of yarn that they want, and Larissa's choice definitely portrays her personality. She chose a bright-colored, fuzzy yarn that makes it kind of difficult to make out the "Angel" on the front, but she loves it and that's all that matters, right? =)
This is a picture of her with her pillow last year when she lost her first tooth.

Using a Tooth Fairy pillow is much easier than having to dig under their pillow, because it just sits at the head of their bed next to their regular pillow. The "Angel" on the front is actually a pocket where the child can leave their tooth and the "Tooth Fairy" can leave her payment for taking the tooth. =) At our house, the Tooth Fairy leaves $1.00 and sometimes a special little note congratulating them on losing a tooth and for being so brave. What does she leave at your house?
The kids have been questioning the reality of the Tooth Fairy for some time now, but I just try to sidestep their questions without lying. They ask things like, "Mommy, are you the Tooth Fairy?" and I'll answer with something like, "Have you ever seen me wear a tutu?" That usually makes them laugh, and the subject quickly gets changed. The questions are getting more pointed, though, and I'm afraid the truth will have to come out soon. I'm pretty sure that Alyx and Larissa already know, but I've told them that if they don't believe there's a Tooth Fairy, she might not leave them anything. I know, I'm so mean! I'm just trying not to ruin things for Sydney, since she's going to start losing teeth in the next year or so. =)
I know what you mean!! We are having the same thing with Matthew. Jeremy & I decided when Matthew was tiny that we would keep it up until we got the straight-out question: "Is the tooth fairy [or Santa Claus, or the Easter Bunny] real?" Once the question was asked, we would tell the truth. Matthew has asked about the tooth fairy, but so far he hasn't translated that fact into the Christmas season...we'll see!
We have made sure he knows, though, to keep up the charade for the little ones. We want to be fair to the younger ones that are coming up, too. =)
Tooth fairy's $1 at our house, too. If it was up to Granny, though, it would be a lot more!!
Hey - can I link to this post? I love the crocheted pillow idea and I think some of my friends will, too!
Yes, you can link to my post. Let me know how your pillows come out if you make them. =)
There were more generic ones for boys that I figure Matthew would like better than a Tooth Fairy Angel. =) There's one that's in the shape of a tooth that's kind of cute.
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