Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sydney is a sssssssssnake!

Have you seen Disney's Jungle Book? If you haven't, then what I'm about to tell you probably won't be that funny to you, and it could still be one of those things that you just had to be there to appreciate it. We thought it was hilarious!

Anyway, on The Jungle Book, there is a character named Kaa, and he's a snake who hypnotizes his prey. During his second encounter with Mowgli, he's trying to convince Mowgli to trust him, but Mowgli knows Kaa's reputation and is trying desperately to avoid eye contact. Kaa manages to gain eye contact and begins singing the song, "Trust in Me." (I've included a video clip at the bottom of this post, so you can see that portion of the movie. It's only a couple of minutes.)

Sterling Holloway was the voice-over for Kaa and Winnie the Pooh as well as many others. He has a very distinctive voice. (Read more about him on Wikipedia by clicking on his name.)

This morning, Jason was able to come home for a few hours and then have lunch with us. At one point in time, he was sitting down in the living room, and Sydney came up to him like she was going to give him a kiss. She put her hands on his cheeks, touched her nose to his, looked deep into his eyes and starting singing, "Trust in Me..." in her best "Kaa" voice.

We just about lost it! That girl is so funny, and she doesn't even try! She's quick, too. The other day, I was reading a book to them, and I stopped for a moment, because I heard a noise. As I looked around the room, I soon realized that it was a ringing in my ears. So, I just made the comment that my ears were making noise. Without missing a beat, Sydney leaned over towards me and pressed her ear up against mine, and then she proceeded to laugh hysterically. No, she was not being "blond" but rather was making an ordinary situation into something really funny. We all had tears in our eyes from laughing so hard. She is our little comedian, and I love her dearly for that as well as many other things! =)

Here's the video clip of Kaa hypnotizing Mowgli.

1 comment:

The Two of Us said...

That is hilarious. Every family needs a comedian. I can just picture her with her ear against yours. :)